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Storm Private Cloud v AWS | Storm Internet

Storm Private Cloud v AWS | Storm Internet

Cloud Computing: Go for Storm Private Cloud!

There are many different types of servers out there.  The big question is which one to choose? While different options have different benefits, it is always good to go for the one that stands out for your business and needs, and to do the research.

There are many choices like storm private cloud, AWS, Azure and so on… Storm Private Cloud is like possessing your own data centre. With this, you can form manifold virtual servers, scale up the processing power and add memory on-demand as per the needs of your business.

AWS is formed of different cloud computing products and services. It offers storage, servers, networking, email, remote computing, mobile development and security. Many companies are tending towards AWS. It is a trending computing concept and people are attracted towards it. But there are different drawbacks too that make AWS not for everyone. For example, one of the main one is that AWS does not encompass enterprise-grade support by default. You will have to pay for the add on Business tier support.


Many companies are now choosing Storm Private Cloud over AWS and Azure. And Storm Internet won Best Cloud Service Award this year at the Internet Service Provider Awards for the 5th year running. There are various benefits to using Storm Private Cloud.  The cost savings, resilience and data security. Not just this, you can enjoy flexibility too.

So, Storm Private Cloud is something to consider. It is indeed a solution that can offer important benefits such as improved uptime and dependability at a lower cost compared to traditional IT infrastructures.

If you decide to choose Storm Private cloud, you’ll also receive excellent security. It is much more secure than different alternatives available.  Your organisation’s data is firmly secured and controlled on servers that nobody else or company has access too. Once you subscribe to Storm Cloud, the servers are under supervision day in and day out. The multi-layer security and professionals working behind the servers know how to keep them robust and active. You will also benefit speedy and excellent customer assistance once you opt for Storm Private Cloud. This private cloud gives you everything depending on your needs.

So, be it AWS, Azure or Storm Private Cloud, the choice is yours. Where the first two certainly offer a brand, Storm Private Cloud offers far more for far less.

So what is best for your business? If you’d like to discuss more call us on 0800 817 4727. We’ve been providing ultra fast, secure web hosting services since 2004 and know a thing or two about optimising servers and sites for speed

0800 817 4727